** EDIT (March 2019): The first comment on anycodings_notepad++ this question helped a bit IIRC but fresh anycodings_notepad++ installs seem to behave much better, which anycodings_notepad++ makes me think that I had managed over time anycodings_notepad++ to confuse the app. So does anyone know how to make it stop anycodings_notepad++ treating unsaved data so poorly? It is the anycodings_notepad++ one feature that makes me want to just use anycodings_notepad++ vscode for everything, despite its lack of anycodings_notepad++ the ability to act as a persistent cache for anycodings_notepad++ random unsaved data. I've anycodings_notepad++ been searching for a solution off and on for anycodings_notepad++ days, and it is driving me nuts. when I create my unsaved tabs anycodings_notepad++ (new39, new40, etc.) they get an obnoxious anycodings_notepad++ background color that is unpleasant to look anycodings_notepad++ at and partially obscures text based on the anycodings_notepad++ lighter foreground font I am using. I also like the style configurator, and anycodings_notepad++ particularly the solarized-light theme, anycodings_notepad++ which is easy on the eyes.īUT. I anycodings_notepad++ have used it this way for a long time as I anycodings_notepad++ do a lot of experimental stuff when working anycodings_notepad++ with Hyperledger blockchain code and data. Notepad++ has a uniquely useful feature - anycodings_notepad++ you can open a new tab and paste some text anycodings_notepad++ in and it will remember that text forever anycodings_notepad++ without saving it to any formal location.